For clean up, this is only necessary after rados_connect() has
@warning This does not guarantee any asynchronous writes have
completed. To do that, you must call rados_aio_flush() on all open
io contexts.
@warning We implicitly call rados_watch_flush() on shutdown. If
there are watches being used, this should be done explicitly before
destroying the relevant IoCtx. We do it here as a safety measure.
Disconnects from the cluster.
For clean up, this is only necessary after rados_connect() has succeeded.
@warning This does not guarantee any asynchronous writes have completed. To do that, you must call rados_aio_flush() on all open io contexts.
@warning We implicitly call rados_watch_flush() on shutdown. If there are watches being used, this should be done explicitly before destroying the relevant IoCtx. We do it here as a safety measure.
@post the cluster handle cannot be used again
@param cluster the cluster to shutdown