Configure the cluster handle with command line arguments, returning
any remainders. Same rados_conf_parse_argv, except for extra
remargv argument to hold returns unrecognized arguments.
@pre rados_connect() has not been called on the cluster handle
@param cluster cluster handle to configure
@param argc number of arguments in argv
@param argv arguments to parse
@param remargv char* array for returned unrecognized arguments
@returns 0 on success, negative error code on failure
Configure the cluster handle with command line arguments, returning any remainders. Same rados_conf_parse_argv, except for extra remargv argument to hold returns unrecognized arguments.
@pre rados_connect() has not been called on the cluster handle
@param cluster cluster handle to configure @param argc number of arguments in argv @param argv arguments to parse @param remargv char* array for returned unrecognized arguments @returns 0 on success, negative error code on failure