Ping the monitor with ID mon_id, storing the resulting reply in
buf (if specified) with a maximum size of len.
The result buffer is allocated on the heap; the caller is
expected to release that memory with rados_buffer_free(). The
buffer and length pointers can be NULL, in which case they are
not filled in.
@param cluster cluster handle
@paramin mon_id ID of the monitor to ping
@paramout outstr double pointer with the resulting reply
@paramout outstrlen pointer with the size of the reply in outstr
Ping the monitor with ID mon_id, storing the resulting reply in buf (if specified) with a maximum size of len.
The result buffer is allocated on the heap; the caller is expected to release that memory with rados_buffer_free(). The buffer and length pointers can be NULL, in which case they are not filled in.
@param cluster cluster handle @paramin mon_id ID of the monitor to ping @paramout outstr double pointer with the resulting reply @paramout outstrlen pointer with the size of the reply in outstr